To climb or not to climb
It’s ski season again. Thousands of people line up at the ski lifts to get up the mountain. But why would you, if you can walk?
This sport has many names, and many variations. But surely the most sociable and enjoyable is the event of vertical races at nighttime. Mount touring skis with skins under your feet, climb up the hill with around 250 others, and meet on top for a dinner meal and a drink. And then ski down… sometimes with flaming torches, or just under full moon. It can’t be better 🙂
The 777 race in Leukerbad was one of the first this season, in early December. Now it’s January, and each weekend you have the choice between several races. Bring your friends, and those who are not into touring skis can either walk up with snowshoes or take the lift – as said, the social component is dominating.
See you at night, somewhere up there 🙂